Pump House eScooter
Contest Rules
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Pump House eScooter Contest (the “Contest”) rules and regulations (the "Rules")
Sponsor: This contest is sponsored by Pump House Brewery Inc. (the “Contest Sponsor”), located at 131 Mill Rd. Moncton NB E1A 6R1, Canada. All inquiries regarding the Contest should be directed to the Contest Sponsor.
Prize: There are three (3) grand prizes (the “Prize”) available to be won. Each winner will receive a Prize of one Segway Ninebot KickScooter F2 Plus Electric Scooter and one helmet. Approximate value of each prize: $1,200.00. All other expenses not specified herein are the sole responsibility of the winner.
Duration: The contest begins on May 06, 2024, and ends on July 29, 2024.
Draw Date: The winner will be drawn among all eligible entries by means of a random electronic draw on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Entry: Participants can enter the contest by scanning the specially marked QR code or visiting https://gleam.io/gT5UR/crafty-radler-escooter-sweepstakes. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Eligibility: To enter and be eligible to win, entrants must be legal residents of New Brunswick and be at least 19 years of age. Employees, their parents, siblings, and children, and persons domiciled with an employee of the Contest Sponsor are ineligible to enter.
Odds: The odds of winning the Prize will depend on the number of eligible entries received.
Selection of Winner: The winners will be determined by a random draw.
Winner Notification: The Contest Sponsor will attempt to contact potential Prize winners to notify them that they may have won the Prize by email, telephone, or social media within two (2) business days after the draw. The winner’s contact information will be sourced from their entry form. If the potential winner cannot be contacted within two (2) business days after the draw, they will be disqualified, and an alternate potential winner may be drawn at the Contest Sponsor’s sole discretion.
Skill-Testing Question: To claim the prize, the selected entrant must first correctly answer, unaided, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question administered by the Contest Sponsor.
Identification: Proof of identification must be provided upon request.
Non-transferrable: The Prize must be accepted as awarded. The Prize may not be sold, transferred, or converted to cash.
Indemnity: Before being awarded the Prize, the potential winner will be required to sign and return within the time stipulated by the Contest Sponsor a full release and indemnity form. This form will state that he/she has read, understood, and complied with these official Rules; grants all consents required; agrees to participate in publicity and/or promotions related to the Contest, the Contest Sponsor, or similar matters; authorizes the Contest Sponsor to use his/her name, city/town/village and province/territory of residence, photograph, likeness, sobriquet, and voice for promotional purposes without additional compensation; and releases the Contest Sponsor from any liability related to participation in this Contest or the use of the Prize.
Compliance: If the potential winner does not comply with these Rules, the Contest Sponsor shall have the right to disqualify the potential winner and draw an alternate potential winner, releasing the Contest Sponsor from any liability or responsibility in this regard.
Decisions: Entrants automatically agree to accept and abide by these Rules by entering this Contest. All decisions of the Contest Sponsor regarding any aspect of this Contest are final and binding on all entrants.
Liability: By entering the Contest, each entrant releases the Contest Sponsor, its subsidiaries, affiliates, prize suppliers, advertising/promotion agencies, and any other entity involved in the development, production, administration, or fulfillment of the Contest from all liability related to the Contest or the entrant’s participation, including, but not limited to, the issues listed in the initial draft, e.g., failure of websites, technical malfunctions, etc.
Dispute Resolution: Any dispute regarding the contest will be governed by the laws of New Brunswick, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Entrants submit to personal jurisdiction in New Brunswick and agree that any dispute shall be brought in the appropriate courts in New Brunswick.
Property: All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor assumes no responsibility for lost, late, delayed, destroyed, or misdirected entries or any other issues as previously detailed, e.g., computer errors, malfunctions.
Corruption & Termination: If, in the Contest Sponsor’s sole discretion, the Contest cannot run as originally planned for reasons including but not limited to technical corruption, unauthorized intervention, or fraud, the Contest Sponsor reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Contest and select a winner from previously received eligible entries.
Disqualification: The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual found tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest, or acting in violation of the Rules or in a disruptive manner.
Violations: Any deliberate attempt to undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest is a violation of criminal and civil laws. Should such an attempt be made, the Contest Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent of the law.
Privacy: Personal information collected from entrants will be used by the Contest Sponsor for the purpose of administering this Contest. The Contest Sponsor will not sell, share, or disclose personal information of entrants with third parties, other than to third parties engaged by them for the above purposes or as permitted or required by law.
Discrepancies: In the event of any discrepancy between the terms and conditions of the Rules and disclosures in any Contest-related materials, including but not limited to print or online advertising, the terms and conditions of the Rules shall prevail.
Intellectual Property: All intellectual property related to the Contest, including but not limited to trademarks, trade-names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source codes, and drawings are owned by the Contest Sponsor and/or its affiliates. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any copyrighted material or intellectual property without the express written consent of its owner is strictly prohibited.
Concours de trottinettes électriques Pump House (le « Concours ») règles et réglementations (les « Règles »)
Commanditaire : Ce concours est commandité par Pump House Brewery Inc. (le « Commanditaire du Concours »), situé au 131 Mill Rd, Moncton NB E1A 6R1, Canada. Toutes les demandes concernant le Concours doivent être adressées au Commanditaire du Concours.
Prix : Il y a trois (3) grands prix (le « Prix ») à gagner. Chaque gagnant recevra un Prix composé d'une trottinette électrique Segway Ninebot KickScooter F2 Plus et d'un casque. Valeur approximative de chaque prix : 1 200,00 $. Toutes les autres dépenses non spécifiées ici sont de la seule responsabilité du gagnant.
Durée : Le concours commence le 06 mai 2024 et se termine le 29 juillet 2024.
Date du tirage : Le gagnant sera tiré au sort parmi toutes les participations éligibles au moyen d'un tirage électronique aléatoire le mardi 06 août 2024 à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick.
Participation : Les participants peuvent entrer dans le concours en scannant le code QR spécialement marqué ou en visitant https://gleam.io/gT5UR/crafty-radler-escooter-sweepstakes. Aucun achat nécessaire. Nul là où la loi l'interdit ou le restreint.
Éligibilité : Pour entrer et être éligible à gagner, les participants doivent être résidents légaux du Nouveau-Brunswick et avoir au moins 19 ans. Les employés, leurs parents, frères et sœurs, enfants, et les personnes vivant sous le même toit qu'un employé du Commanditaire du Concours ne sont pas éligibles pour participer.
Cotes : Les chances de gagner le Prix dépendront du nombre de participations éligibles reçues.
Sélection du gagnant : Les gagnants seront déterminés par un tirage au sort.
Notification au gagnant : Le Commanditaire du Concours tentera de contacter les gagnants potentiels du Prix pour les informer qu'ils ont peut-être gagné le Prix par courriel, téléphone ou médias sociaux dans les deux (2) jours ouvrables suivant le tirage. Les informations de contact du gagnant seront obtenues à partir de leur formulaire de participation. Si le gagnant potentiel ne peut être contacté dans les deux (2) jours ouvrables suivant le tirage, il sera disqualifié et un autre gagnant potentiel pourra être tiré au sort à la discrétion exclusive du Commanditaire du Concours.
Question d'habileté : Pour réclamer le prix, l'entrant sélectionné doit d'abord répondre correctement, sans aide, à une question d'habileté mathématique à durée limitée administrée par le Commanditaire du Concours.
Identification : Une preuve d'identification doit être fournie sur demande.
Non-transférable : Le Prix doit être accepté tel quel. Le Prix ne peut être vendu, transféré, ni converti en espèces.
Indemnité : Avant d'être attribué le Prix, le gagnant potentiel sera tenu de signer et de retourner dans le délai stipulé par le Commanditaire du Concours un formulaire complet de libération et d'indemnité. Ce formulaire stipulera qu'il/elle a lu, compris et respecté ces Règles officielles ; accorde tous les consentements requis ; accepte de participer à la publicité et/ou aux promotions liées au Concours, au Commanditaire du Concours, ou à des questions similaires ; autorise le Commanditaire du Concours à utiliser son nom, sa ville/village et sa province/territoire de résidence, photographie, ressemblance, sobriquet et voix à des fins promotionnelles sans compensation supplémentaire ; et libère le Commanditaire du Concours de toute responsabilité liée à la participation à ce Concours ou à l'utilisation du Prix.
Conformité : Si le gagnant potentiel ne se conforme pas à ces Règles, le Commanditaire du Concours aura le droit de disqualifier le gagnant potentiel et de tirer un autre gagnant potentiel, libérant le Commanditaire du Concours de toute responsabilité ou obligation à cet égard.